Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Dreaded Packing Day

In about 4 days I'll start packing for a month in Peru. Kind of overwhelming to think about it. Actually I'm hoping to start packing a little sooner than that but we'll see how motivated I get. Not only do I have to pack for tropical winter in Peru I have to pack for a week in my hometown, Orange, TX. I'm flying out of Houston on the 29th and my dad wants to keep my car while I'm gone so next, Monday I'll be driving the 4 1/2 hours home to spend a week with the family before I leave. Packing 2 suitcases, one with jeans and jackets and the other with shorts and tank tops, is NOT fun. I hate doing this kind of packing. I had to do it when I went to New York in December because Orange, TX and NYC are completely different climates.

Tomorrow I'm going to spend my afternoon running errands. I need to get things to bring with me to Peru (first aid items, migraine medicine, hair items, contact solution...if you can't tell I'm making my list while I type this). On top of that I need to get my oil changed in my car before I go home, last thing I need is my car stopping on I-10.

Here's a little update for anyone wanting to go to Peru: flight delays out of the country into Lima are constantly being delayed, sometimes it can be hours after your scheduled departure.

Katelyn, a worker from Career Services where I interned this year, left Sunday for her study abroad in Cuzco. She messaged me on Facebook and said her flight was delayed 5 hours out of Houston and a man who travels frequently to Peru told her that was not uncommon. I found out later that's because of the fog in Lima, it causes flights into the country to be delayed for hours. Should have figured that, Lima is in a bowl surrounded by mountains, thanks Google. Perfect. At least I'll be delayed in Miami, even if I can't leave the airport.

Look for an update tomorrow on how successful my errands will be, I'm hopeful!

1 comment:

  1. Ok...I'm up to date on why/where/how. I am so excited for you!!! Do you have free time while not in class or is it all planned for you? Can't wait for another update!
